The Legends:Electronic Big Book of Mabinay District 1(E-BigBooks)

February 28, 2017 Hey! guys, I'll be sharing to you our ICT output. The fruit of our hard works. Let me present to you the Digital Electronic Big Books for kids. Showcasing the different Legend of our Baranggay in Mabinay. A product of ICT Team of Mabinay District 1. An initiative in connection with the DepEd K-12 Localized Instructional Materials named as "BigBooks" where stories and legends of all the barangays within the district are printed for children to read and understand and to put a twist on it we in the ICT team made it into Electronic BigBooks where in you can View and Listen the Bigbooks in the Interactive White Board,Laptop or Flat Screen projector. The idea is for every school in our district to come up with stories and legends in there respective barangays and later I found out that our town is very rich in legends that need to be treasured and preserved. The contents of the Big Book will not only be for local consumption but for the whole world since it...