The Hardest Climb Ever.. Painful trail to Mt. Golgotha

            My personal reflection of the most painful and hardest climbed in the history, Jesus on His way to Calvary of Golgotha. Many of us already heard of this very familiar and most repeated story during Lenten season, that to some extent it loses the real value of the story.
           Let me share my point of of view, as a mountaineer, climbing mountains was never been that easy. You need skills and knowledge on the stuff you have. You need to developed the different discipline in the outdoors. You must have the right gears and apparel to keep you safe and give you comfort from the test of nature. Perhaps, Jesus experience most likely the greatest climb ever in the human history. A very dramatic, painful and thirsty situation, conquering mount Golgotha, shedding His blood and even offer His very life to save us all.

        Its not just a story that being told many times but a real life event happened  to Jesus. I could not just imagine the pain that comes from those who governed that place,the struggles from the very oppressive leadership, the call for justice and fairness are just few of my emotions imagining to that painful scenario. The situation were in disciples are hopeless, they are in fear for they may be the next to be crucified. There faith are put into test and so with there perseverance and loyalty to stay with Jesus. 

         The situation happened is still evident and happening until now, people believe in God but there are still like Peter and Judas, many are like the crowds when Jesus triumphantly enter the City but when He was about to be crucified, many are still like them who remain silent in their faith, who choose to be blind with the current situation especially environmental issues. As an outdoor going individual, I call for environmental justice against these huge companies who killed the mountains, the forest and all living in the system through cutting down tress, thousands of grown tress. I thirst for the shade of tress that gives comfort in these melting earth. Scarcity of water  in the mountain that worsen the situation of potable water in the low land areas. 

         Stop cutting down trees! save the mountains because there is only one earth to live. Give earth the chance to live, hold on your self vested interest that benefits only to the few greedy capitalist companies that put the entire place into danger. Find other resources  to create sustainable energy that benefits not just as human but of both the mountains, animals and all who have life. Let us be the good stewards of God's creation. let us all be reminded that Jesus used ordinary people to create extraordinary things. Let us all be the instrument of saving the environment. We too can make a difference, we can make extraordinary actions if we let Jesus use us to save the earth from climate change. Like Jesus we will be constantly in the intense glare of public media scrutiny, accused and misinterpreted but let us not be afraid  Speak up, involved, take action! save the mountains! After all Jesus died for us in mount Golgotha and we have to fight and call for Justice on environment and even offer our life just to open the eyes of the companies and people who are responsible of this worsening environmental destruction.Save mount talinis! save mount kanlaon! save mount mandalagan! save mount da-at!  Padayon! The greatest mountaineer ever, who conquered mount Golgotha. Jesus!


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