The ME - My Life - Prelude

              To dream, dream and dream was once my favorite hobby when I was still in college.Way back then,  I always walked along Hibbard Avenue under the shady Acasia tree going to the university  where I studied Bachelor in Secondary Education, I choose Physical Education as my major since sports really amazed me a lot than listening to a very long boring lectures. Library was one of my favorite place in the university. Oppss! Our library was one among the biggest library in Asia at that time. Its the place where almost all of my dreams takes place, with freezing effects in your warm body from the centralized air conditioning in the library, that must be a good place to dream after class and a walk and short readings.
                 Inside library, in a cubicle surrounded with huge bookshelves and thousands of volumes of books there  I dream to be a youth leader in church organizing and facilitating youth activities and be involved. I dream to travel the pictures that I saw in some of the books that I’ve read and amazed with the wonders that this earth has ever had. I dream to have opportunities to climb mountains and what it feels like in the summit and makes friends of course, I dream to be a great sports administrator or manager or just plain sports enthusiast  and joined notable sports event in the world  and lastly I dream to have a girlfriend in the university so I could date her in the Amphitheater or in the Luce lobby or under the Acasia tree and it was just few of my dreams. 
                 Jumping off, I graduated in that University, by the way its Silliman Univeristy, its a univeristy besides the sea, where you can see a tall palm trees and the iconic Acasia tree that gives shades to the university. So life must go on outside Silliman University. I took the examination for professional teachers and after taking it twice," not bad at all", I passed the board exam. Another adventure awaits me ahead, I am now  teaching in a public school system in our country, a multi grade set-up class in grades school level. I am an outdoor going person and it all started when I received my appointment advice as they call it in the office, That is to signal that I am now have a regular and permanent position as a teacher. My first teaching assignment was in a mountain school in our region. Imagine climbing and going to the mountain everyday for school? That must be something adventure and tiring somehow and its the main reason why I titled my blog teach travel and climb. Just like to share great experiences as an outdoor lover teacher, traveler and hopefully a responsible husband to my only one and of course later on soon a father.  I'll be posting more on my adventures and my love of my life.-)

Keep posted.


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