E-Classroom: Department of Education(DepEd) a Gift to Public Elementary School
June 2012
After attending the 4th National ICT Congress in Manila. As what I've written in my previous blog, the Department of Education implemented the programs on upgrading our public school system, especially on the matter of classroom technology.
And I would like to present the DCP project or the DepEd Computerization Program. It is a program that helps in upgrading the public school in terms of computer facilities.
This is my E-classroom, E stand for Electronic classroom. My school is blessed to be among the pioneering school to received the e-classroom package facilities. A state of the art facilities that I'm proud we had it in our school.
Our school belong to Batch 7 of the DCP recipient school, We belong to the first 11 elementary school in the province to received this package.Thanks to our Division ICT coordinator Sir Adolf Aguilar for the fast deployment and initiatives of the project.
The package includes an Interactive Whiteboard which you can personally touch, hold, draw and click right directly on the board. Teaching in a dustless or shall I say chalk less room environment.
Equips with 6 computer units with 1 host pc with N computing device that all computers can be used individually by pupils at the same time can be controlled and monitored by the e-classroom or ICT teacher through the host pc.
Pupils can now have easy access and they can learn best especially using lessons with animations and more interactions.
Pupils actually learn fast and they don't have any dull moments when they are inside the e-classroom. They are always excited to go to school. hihihihi
I also observed that their attendance rate is high. They don't want to missed my class. It inspire and motivate me to teach more and look forward on the next day.
My classroom front view with a tarp signage supporting K to 12 curriculum .
Oh that's me giving my subject timeline and requirements. Using the Interactive whiteboard the projector and with my personal tablet as my guide in having a class sync with the host computer.
That's the host computer with my personal laptop, tablet. It's the must gears in teaching the 21st century learners.

In e-classroom, pupils learn at the same time they enjoy without noticing the time.
Presentation and motivation.
The E-classroom facilities is not only for pupils but also for teachers.
As part of their professional development and upgrade. Even though at first, teachers resist change. Hesitant to learn, just by clicking the keyboard but later on they love it and eventually they buy there own personal computer and laptop.
Here in photo are two of my colleague patiently learning to manipulate the mouse. hihihihihi -)
My e-classroom, the room that geared the pupils to face the battles of the 21st century learning process.
Thanks a lot.-)
sho sho shho!
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