Climbing The Country's Highest Mountain - Mt. Apo

October 2013

It's every mountaineers dream to climb the highest mountain in our country. And I am just one of those who dreamed to climb and summit the peak of our dear majestic father of all mountains in the Philippines Mt. Apo in Mindanao.

Since my primary years I always heard of Mt. Apo as part of our lesson in Sibika at Kultura and also Mt. Apo was always mentioned many times as part of the "Anyong Lupa" topic in elementary discussing the different land formation and what only I could see is that very old picture in our book which was in a black and white picture and just wondering what would it be like at the top of Mt. Apo. I graduated elementary and for my High School days we also discussed Mt. Apo many times as top mountain destination in our country for tourism and also in our biology class as frontier in biodiversity.

 I took up college still Mt. Apo was discussed for its majestic and amazing beauty that the country is proud of.

Until October 2013 came that made my dream come true. But just to give a short prelude before my Mt. Apo climb experienced.

Me and Claire my girlfriend attended CYF-National Youth Camp in our Church UCCP in Mawab, Compostela Valley in Mindanao after the camp, there I meet and know personally Rev. Arturo" Dodong" Veladiez of UCCP Bukidnon, He is the Conference Minister, A dynamic full of energy and enthusiasm kind of person, outgoing and open minded. He was then a member of Cuernos de Negros Mountaineers Club in Silliman University way back in his Divinity years and now founded the BACPackers or the Bukidnon area conference outdoor club that focuses on Indigenous Peoples right and social and environmental justice as part of the role and as good steward of the Creation as he said. So we visited him in Bukidnon after the National Youth Camp in Compostela and meet him personally. We talked initial plan on the idea of having a National UCCP Mission Climb and it will be launched on our very own Mt. Apo with the tribe in San Fernando Bukidnon as our recipient community extending them school supplies and some assistance. We came up with that idea and we started working it out for 6 months preparation prior to October 2013 Mt. Apo climb.

AND now October 2013 came, together with Baktas MMC family we joined the first National UCCP Mission Climb in Mt. Apo.

This is me from Negros going to Cebu for Mt. Apo. I somehow feel alone and sad because the day prior to our Mt. Apo climb my girlfriend Claire just decided to withdraw her bid to summit Mt. Apo due to a fever and she told me that she's not feeling well and might cause some complication if she will pursue the climb thats why I climbed Mt. Apo without Claire.

Anyway, We arrived Cebu City safely and there we meet another participant from Cebu ,Benjie dela Torre the very "astig "Cebu boy look yet very opposite to his character, very humble and kind.

We are now inside Cebu Port waiting for our vessel going to Cagayan de Oro City were we start our land travel going to Mt. Apo, via Kidapawan trail.

We arrived Cagayan de Oro City early the next day and started right away our long land travel going to Kidapawan City, Cotabato.

Full of excitement and energy for almost 12 hours bus ride we arrived Kidapawan City and went directly to the City Tourism Office for a brief orientation and have arrangement with our guide since we are the last group to climb that day other participants just started there trek going to the first camp earlier. After a short orientation and acquaintance with there tourism staff and our guide Riche we proceed to the Habal-habal terminal going to the Jump off point. We arrived at the jump off point around 5:30 in the afternoon and started trekking right away.

We start ascending Mt.Apo via Kidapawan trail very late afternoon and our guide just told us to have just a break interval of 3 minutes so that we will not have a long hours of night trek going to the Camp 1 Ko-ong Camp. The trail going up was a bit challenging considering that we just arrived from a long bus ride but we cant do anything but to pursue our goal.

 3 minutes break and then push forward to the Camp 1.

We Arrived camp 1 late in the evening. Other participants are now in deep sleep for tomorrows trek to lake venado camp 2. We eat our dinner and then have some Rhum before we sleep, while were having our Rhum moments our guide just explained why he always told us to walked a little bit fast and our facing should not be that far it is because of the paranormal reasons. He told us that he saw some paranormal creators while were on the trail going camp 1 and other after those story telling we rested and sleep getting energy for the next day.

Morning comes and finally we meet our fellow participants. Pastor Dodong with other Mission Climbers greeted us in Ko-ong Camp 1. We had our acquaintances.

That's Pastor Dodong accommodating us and letting us feel we belong. We just roamed around meet and greet with other participants.

We took some group picture together with Pastor Dodong in green jacket with the Visayas UCCP Mision Climbers.

Then we prepared our breakfast for the day..

I was  just amazed with the youngest Mt. Apo climber at the age of 4 years old together with her parents luckily we meet her at the Camp 1 while were eating our breakfast. A very lovely and active baby girl I forgot her name.

En-en our beautiful, active energetic mission climber together with Sir Joey Kidapawan City tourism Officer warmly welcomed us all at the Camp 1.

Before we leave camp 1 we took our first group picture UCCP Mission Climbers from Visayas and Mindanao.

After we took our breakfast, we break camp and then proceed to Camp 2 the very popular Lake Venado.

The trail going up just getting harder and tougher. Almost 90 degrees wet and slippery ladder  made of branches. 

We passed by wild berries along the trail going to Lake Venado.

After almost 7 hours trek we arrived at last at the majestic and mysterious looking Lake Venado.

Mt. Apo as viewed in Lake Venado.

Lake Venado viewed in front of my tent.

Mt.Apo at the back of my tent.

Thumbs up for Lake Venado.

  Another thumbs up for Mt. Apo.

To my surprised, a sari-sari store available open to served us 24 hrs for every climber at Lake Venado campsite.

Another WOW! -)
Photo taken @  the sarisari store.

The mysterious Lake Venado together with UCCP Mission climbers appreciating the beautiful view just in front of us. 

The vastness of forest and the calmness of the lake together with mists that's make it perfectly mysterious.

The Visayas UCCP Mission Climbers together with our very active and energetic guide Riche the guy in his blue shirt. He was not just a guide but also a very good cook. He prepares our food in different menus we like..


                            Tent in orange color was my home in Mt. Apo keeping me dry and giving me comfort in the cold and wet campsite in Lake Venado. It's a Rev20 of Silangan Outdoor Equipment owned by a great friend of mine, proudly made in Cebu City. A three season tent, single pole, easy to set-up with durable fabric and efficient and functional seam sealed.

We prepared and cooked for our early dinner so we can relax and rest and start our socials right away after dinner, discussed ideas and future plans regarding mission climb.

                        Busy preparing for dinner while me watching what menus they are in for dinner.-)

My solo picture with Lake Venado, Mt. Apo.

Evening comes and we just started while ago the socials and our guide just oriented us regarding our ascent to summit Mt. Apo early the next day.
We had a good rounds of rhum and brandy that night then we rest and sleep.

Around 3 dawn the next day our guide was calling us and waking us up with his smelled good hot coffee and bread before we start our trek going to the summit. We checked our headlamps with extra batteries, rain jacket and fleece for warmer and trail foods.

Trek going to the summit from lake venado usually takes around 3-4 hours.

That's us going up, we took picture of the aerial view of the Lake Venado our 2nd camp site.

We take a break for 5 minutes, gasp our breath. The mixture of feelings from the coldness of wind and the excitement of taking the first step to the summit of Philippines highest mountain and a strong faith was just our secret in surviving Mt. Apo. Wow!

                                           The beautiful sunrise was just fast approaching and waiting us there at the summit so we have to take a bit little faster so we can still catched the sunrise at the summit.

The rocks at the summit of Mt. Apo as seen on our trail going up. Its get clearer and closer as we are approaching the summit.


              We are almost there at the summit. Volcanic rocks formation seen on this photo.

Some of the wild plants near summit. dwarf ferns I think and dwarf trees.

This was our last rest before our final ascent to Mt. Apo summit. You couldn't just imagined what I feel in this part. I am a bit emotional because at last few step from this area I will now conquer the summit of our country's highest mountain Mt. Apo, a dream coming true.
Photo here are Elan Mandy my cousin, with Cliff and Jonhray taking a break.

            At my back was the old crater of Mt. Apo now bacome a lake.


         And yes, few step more and here I am at the summit of majestic Mt. Apo, the highest mountain in the Philippines with an elevation of 2,954 MASL. Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity and for the energy to push on this memorable climb.

                              Me at the summit of Mt. Apo.

The First National UCCP Mission Climb participants conquering Mt. Apo.

                 With God's grace and guidance UCCP Mission Climb triumphantly conquered Mount Apo.

Observing the leave no trace principles.
Taking pictures as one of the most precious priceless Mt. Apo souvenir.

 Me and Pastor Dodong UCCP Mission climb founder and  organizer at the summit of Mt. Apo.

Cliff, reflecting life at the summit.

Visayas participants, Baktas Mabinay Mountaineers Club at Mt. Apo summit.

Solo shoot of Elan Mandy at Mt. Apo one of the visayas participants member of Baktas Mabinay Mountaineers Club.

Mountain landscape in Mt. Apo.

Thumbs up for Mt. Apo adventure before we leaved the summit descending to the summit campsite.

Descending to the summit I saw this sulfuric rock formation also known as the Mt. Apo boulder.

Boulder at my background with the sulfuric smell from Mt. Apo.

The campsite at the summit. Some climbers opted to camp here so they can climb summit anytime of the day. The place was ideal also for camp but they only have minimal potable water supply. The water source photo on the right.

Then we cooked and took our breakfast afterwards.

After our breakfast some explored the area, some also rested and relax to gain more strength descending.

Tired Pastor Dodong of around his 50's took a nap at the summit campsite hugging the rock of salvation to gain strength.

While me got a chance to had a picture with my co-participants having the same nickname with me. We are all have Gonggong as our nickname, so thats gonggong1,2,and 3.-)

After we explored the summit area, recharge and rested for a while we took our group picture before leaving the summit.

My mandatory solo picture of the summit campsite at Mt. Apo.

After hours of descending Mt. Apo summit we arrived back to Lake Venado and had our break camp, cleaned the area. We brought all our trashes with us, as a good stewards of God's creation and as a responsible mountaineers.

We never say goodbye to Mt. Apo, instead we say, We will see you again.

Our group picture at Lake Venado before leaving the campsite going down.

Descending Mt. Apo was not easy for us, because the weather did not favor us that time. Strong wind and heavy rains down poured us. Made the trail muddy and more slippery .
One of the highlight in our way descending Mt. Apo was the Marbel river crossing. We cross this river many times It was hard and technical in nature. We have to work, plan as a team.

In mountains, I learned that the color of the river will not change what you will just noticed was the current and the water level that signifies that was already a flood, worst would be flash flood.

We crossed the river safely because of teamwork and good communication of course. We used rope hand in hand  and together we made it all the way in crossing the Marbel river. Acknowledging God who gives us strength and guide us all the way safely.

At last at around late in the afternoon we crossed the bamboo bridge the last bridge before the exit point going to Lake Agco were our ride going back to the city was waiting.

 We arrived Kidapawas City almost 7 already. We went directly to our home in Kidapawan, UCCP Kidapawan City Church that served us our shelter, home away from home. The very accommodating pastor and members welcomed us all. Then we had our dinner in the city and had our socials, somehow sort of evaluation and assessment.

Early the next day we woke up early and attended there early morning sunday worship service.
After the worship service we had another group picture together with the Administrative Pastor which happens to be a Sillimanian also together with us was there church council chairman as our way of expressing our greatest gratitude for accommodating us in our mission.

First National UCCP Mission Climb participants with the UCCP Kidapawan City Church Administrative Pastor and Church Council with our banner.

After the worship service, We bid farewell and see you again soon. We packed up our things ready for another long travel going back to our respective home. Me with my co participants itinerary travel was from Kidapawan City we travel going to Bukidnon City. 
We arrived Bukidnon City stayed there for a night at Bukidnon Area Conference House where Pastor Dodong currently had his office. He invited us for a dinner of a birthday celebration of one of his active member in the conference.
A very kind and generous and fatherly Pastor he really was. Thank you Pastor.

We asked permission, we dried up our stuff beside the office, good thing it was still smells good.

Then the next day we traveled again going to Cagayan de Oro City where we have double our time so we can bought a vessel ticket going home.
We are a bit anxious and worried because there was approaching typhoon and might caused us getting stranded in Cagayan. We had our early dinner compliments of Pastor Goel in UCCP Cagayan City Church. Thank You Pastor Goel for your kindness extended to us. Great help for our hungry tummy.

It's me at Cagayan de Oro City.

We already bought our vessel ticket and are ready to go home amidst the coming of a typhoon that might hold us long in Cagayan but still we missed our home already we love to go home.

The next day we arrived Cebu City and directly proceed to the bus terminal going to Mabinay our hometown. By God's abundant grace and guidance we arrived safely in our own respective home just in time the Typhoon which was already a very strong typhoon landed the Philippine Area of Responsibilities and hit the area in Eastern part of the Visayas and part of Mindanao that claimed thousands of lives and millions of infrastructures and properties.

Finally My dreamed of climbing Mt. Apo came into reality. For me It was not just an ordinary bid for summit at our country's highest mountain but it was a climb for life. Lessons have been learned along the way,teaches me to be humble and always step my foot on the ground. Life's realization along the trail that made me determined of my goals in life to pursue whats in my heart that is pleasing to God. Hard and difficult trails often leads to beautiful destination. Creating a circle of friends that is genuine and lifetime that teaches and encouraged us in our ascent to summit. Establishing a good camaraderie towards other fellow mountaineer that was pure and transparent and also climbing for a very noble cause the UCCP Mission Climb unique way of reaching out people. I should say that UCCP Mission Climb is climb for the people, serving the people most especially the least, lost and the oppressed. It helps me understand social, environmental issues around us that we need to respond and be involved. It also teaches each one of us the reality that surrounds us that we had this important part to share even in our own little way of touching those lives. Understanding the way they lived, the rich culture and tradition of these people and I am referring to the Indigenous people in Mindanao, the different tribes, the lumads. Thank you for your rich culture and tradition that we are all proud of. Til then Thank You for all Mt. Apo, I will see you again soon.

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
-Edmund Hillary
Mt. Apo, Philippines
2,954 MASL

Photo credits: Cliff Richard Anfone and Benjie dela Torre


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