2015 World Teachers Day- Mabinay District 1 edition

October 2015
The United Nations World Teachers' Day celebrates the role teachers play in providing quality education at all levels.Originally it is observed every 5th of October every year. 

In Mabinay District 1,We celebrated it last October 1, 2015 at Mabinay Spring Resort,Mabinay Negros Oriental,Philippines.Its located in the heart of Mabinay. The place is ideal for group or company outing, team building or just a relaxing day away from work. Amenities are swimming pool, cottages for over night stay, function rooms and outdoor recreational must try activities like zipline, canopy walk and kayaking at the spring lagoon.

Now back to world teachers day.For us, Its a day of laugh,fun and fun. We had our own way of celebrating world teachers day, we made a twist. Instead of having a solemn boring program with all the tributes and awarding to outstanding teachers we shifted to a dynamic and fun team building activities to all of us teachers who belong to Mabinay District 1.

The day starts with a welcome message to our District Supervisor, Dr. Marilou N. Lobos in a brief program and some acquaintance songs for us to know each other and feel at home. Then group presentation follows by schools which I had fun listening and watching talented teachers on their presentations while taking photos at the same time.

After the group presentation we proceed to the team building activity led by the selected Mabinay National High School teachers of course with them was Mam Nicolas the school principal. It was a group dynamic activities together with some physical and mind games with a moral values. Teachers had so much much doing the activities, with all the sweat on there happy faces with no complains regarding how tough the activity was. They really enjoy the activities, they learn so much. They got dirty and muddy but they enjoy and learn something.

 As a teacher once in a while we have to take retreat of our self, relax, play and be who we are, have fun together with other teacher for its the only effective way to release negative vibes.After the activities,goes the processing of the activity, the lesson learned and the values that it teaches us.
After the processing,Here comes the dinner time  but its a different type of dinner as a reward for a well spent day. Its not what you think of a fine dinning dinner instead we had a Boodle Fight type of dinner.
Its a military style of eating where long tables are prepared and food are on the top of the banana leaves. Viands and hot rice ready to eat using your bare hands, With the signal to start everyone was now in a combat eating position.

   It was really fun and memorable eating together with your co teachers and luckily enough we had our Municipal Mayor with us Mayor Ernie Jango Uy with wife Joety, sharing the same food and experiences during the Boodle Fight.

I like the experienced, topped with a boodle fight to satisfy my hunger.
A well celebrated world teacher day for all of us..Goodnight!

Before going home at the exit gate of the resort my co teacher asked to take some souvenir photos of our teachers day celebration at the pool side, request granted-)

Mabinay Spring Resort Rate:
Entrance fee: Adult - 10php
                      Children - 5php
Open Cottages - 250php day use
Cabana Cottage - 1000 php per day good for 2 pax
Family room - 1500 php good for 4 pax per day
Twin Room - 1200 php per day good for 2 pax
additional person - 200php
Swimming pool - 75 for adult, 50 for children be with your swimming attire.
Kayaking -50php per hour
Canopy walk - 100 php per pax
Zipline - 100 php per pax
For contacts : 0917-5766-702
In house resort bar is also available.
You can also check The Besars Place in front of Mabinay Spring Resort main gate and try there pizza and a cold beer.

#mabinayspringresort #mabinaydistrict1 #worldteachersday


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